Root Canal Therapy
What is it?
A root canal is the treatment that serves to repair and save an infected or badly damaged tooth. The procedure involves removing the damaged area of the tooth (the pulp), cleaning and disinfecting it and then filling and sealing it. The common causes affecting the pulp can be a deep cavity, repeated dental treatment to the tooth or trauma. The term “root canal” comes from the cleaning of the canals inside the tooth’s root.
What’s it used for?
A root canal is done when deep decay or infection has badly damaged a tooth. This damage will often cause pain that can be alleviated by root canal therapy.
How it’s done
Here’s what to expect if you’re in need of root canal therapy:
- Diagnostic X-ray: If the need for a root canal is suspected, we will first take an x-ray of the site in question or examine existing X-rays to determine what needs to be done. If a root canal is required/recommended, the steps to follow will be performed on a separate appointment date.
- Local Anesthetic: A local anesthetic is administered in the treatment site. Contrary to the popular stigma, a root canal is no more painful than having a filling placed.
- Pulpectomy & Canals: A small opening is made into the biting surface of the tooth in order to treat the pulp chamber and the canals. The tissues are removed and the canals are disinfected.
- Filling: The opened roots are then filled with gutta-percha material and sealed off with an adhesive cement.
*** While a root canal serves to save a tooth, removing its pulp and living matter will make the tooth structure weaker and susceptible to breakage. It’s recommended to have a crown placed on a root canaled tooth in order to strengthen, protect & preserve it.***